Enrolment Process

Parents and Guardians are encouraged to ensure you have considered the Eligibility Criteria before commencing any application forms or evidence submission.

The steps below outline the process of application and enrolment at the Tombolo Academy:

1) Initial Contact

  • Applications are received for students aged between 8 and 14 years old.
  • An application form is completed online, and supporting evidence will be provided. Whilst an application itself does not guarantee your child a place, it does ensure they are added to the waiting list and considered for a place at Tombolo.
  • Required documents include:
    • A full-scale IQ assessment of 90 or more.
    • A confirmed diagnosis of a learning disability.
    • Evidence of achievement tests (e.g., WIAT, PAT Reading Comprehension, PAT Maths).
    • NAPLAN results.
    • Latest school report.
  • The information is reviewed by the Principal, School Psychologist and Assistant Principal.

2) School Tour and Interview

  • If the application is progressed, the parents/carers will be invited to tour the school and attend an interview with the principal or the Assistant Principal.
  • Contact is made with the student’s current school and other relevant health professionals (if applicable) to gain any necessary information.
  • A visit to their school may also be needed to determine what the issues are in the current learning environment.

3) Visits

  • If the application progresses, the student is invited to visit Tombolo Academy up to eight times. A non-refundable Application Fee of $300 will be paid before the visits commence. The visits are not a guarantee of enrolment.
  • The purpose of the visits is to:
    • Allow the Tombolo team to observe how the student fits in with the current cohort of students.
    • Allow the team to determine whether Tombolo is able to meet the students’ needs and is the best place for the student.
    • Give parents time to be clear on the expectations and processes of the school.
    • Allow time to conduct any necessary assessments before the student starts and gather any additional relevant information.

4) Offer of Placement

  • If successful, the principal makes a written offer to the parents/guardians.
  • Parents enter a partnership with Tombolo Academy and agree to the conditions of enrolment as set out in the Enrolment Agreement.

** Please check the Eligibility Criteria and have the relevant documents before filling out this form. **

Explore the Student Expression of Interest Form